What is Speaking from Ignorance?

We're a podcast that engages in conversations with professionals in lots of different fields. From climate science to the performing arts, medicine to ethical hacking, we're curious to know more about your experiences and expertise. If you like to listen to casual conversation between people in different disciplines, and maybe learn something along the way (we sure do!), tune in each week for a brand new exchange!

Our podcast started off as an informal conversation amongst friends, but quickly evolved into involving people who have a lot more experience than we do to answer some of our questions. We like to start off with an informal icebreaker question, like 'How well can you picture something in your mind?' to ease us all into the episode, and then we follow that up with an in-depth discussion with that week's professional on their area of expertise.


All our episodes are available on

and a few other podcasting services.
We record in seasons of 10 episodes each, taking a small break between each season.

Contact Us!

We're a pretty social bunch and would love to hear from you! You can send us feedback about the podcast, suggestions for guests and topics, or just have a friendly chat!

Recent Speakers and Episodes

Episode 21: The Reality of Business (ft. Neha Raman)

Today we're joined by Neha Raman, star of reality TV show Girl Starter. Neha talks about her experience on a reality TV show, starting her own business and we host the inagural Speaking from Ignorance pitch competition where we pitch our best business ideas.
Follow Neha on Twitter and Instagram - @ramannoodle17
Subscribe to Neha on YouTube - youtube.com/channel/UCbtGTXsE2H8b0tBsvkBtKuQ
Follow Neha on TikTok - @theramannoodle

Spooking from Ignorance - The Halloween Special (ft. Charlotte Baker)

Time to get spooky! It's the Speaking from Ignorance Halloween special! Our spooky guest is Charlotte Baker, associate lecturer and author. We talk about the appeal of horror stories, the recent rise in horror TV shows and how horror speaks to women.
Follow Charlotte on Twitter - @CharHorrorFan
Like Chartlotte on Faccebook - @charlottebakerproofreader

Episode 20: Statistical Jazz Wizard (ft. Sam Sadow)

Sam joins us to talk about statistics and his band, Wild Love. Sam talks us through SJW, their new EP.
Follow Sam on Instagram - @samsadow
Follow Wild Love on Instagram - @wildlovemusic
Listen to SJW on Spotify - open.spotify.com/album/3oJqMBLZzSR80m2Yy2Q01d?si=8AuNtqhCRju3tf0fFEnNig

Episode 19: Folding on the Shoulders of Giants (ft. Gandhar Mahadeshwar)

Today we're joined by Gandhar, a maths and biochemistry student at Yale University who explains the mysteries of non-coding RNA. 
Follow Gandhar on Instagram - @lildaddynesquik

Episode 18: SpaceExe - Space for Everyone (ft. Michaela Mason)

This week we're joined by Michaela Mason, the outreach officer for SpaceExe, the University of Exeter's space science and astronomy society. Coming from a non-science background, Michaela tells us about how she is encouraging wider participation in the society from students outside of STEM subjects. Michaela also updates us on SpaceExe's recent projects and the challenges of running the society when you can't hold face-to-face events.
Follow SpaceExe on Twitter - @SpaceExeSoc
Like SpaceExe on Facebook - @UoESpace
Follow SpaceExe on Instagram - @spaceexesoc
TEDxYouth@GandyStreet - ted.com/tedx/events/39564

Episode 17: Funky Space Radio (ft. Sam Morrell)

Astrophysicist and funk guitarist, Sam Morrell, is our guest this week. He tells us about his studies at the University of Exeter, the student-run project, XRT-C (Exeter Radio Telescope at Caradon) and his band, the Soul Traders.
Follow Sam on Twitter - @smorrell
Visit XRT-C website - xrt-c.co.uk
Visit the Soul Traders website - southernsoultraders.com

Episode 16: CSI: Bournemouth (ft. Luke Gent)

Forensic scientist, Luke Gent, tells us about forensic taphonomy and toxicology, his work on sharp force trauma and the misrepresentation of forensics in media.
Follow Luke on Twitter - @GentForAnth

Episode 15: Jesus Was an Astronomy Nerd (ft. Nicolás Kurtovic)

Nicolás tells us about astronomy outreach, debunking myths, COVID in Chile and aliens.

Episode 14: Shoes and Snakes (ft. Aditya Peri)

In the second part of our chat with Aditya Peri we discuss career mentors and Aditya explains his creative process, his passion for footwear design and previews his upcoming animated short 'A Quarantine Tail'.
Art mentioned in this episode:
Brooklyn neighbourhood sketches - https://www.instagram.com/p/CCWGZEQhfOf/
The Dragon and the Wolf - https://www.instagram.com/p/BaDDeB7FUwQ/
A Quarantine Tail sketches and renders - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10NtJydbQ2HVdAcGWZt8vv5ekatWrN89p?usp=sharing
Follow Deech on Instagram - @drawingsbydeech and @deech_id
Visit Deech's website - drawingsbydeech.com
Editor's note: Apologies for Holmes's audio quality. Holmes's recording only lasted for one hour so I had to recover his audio from the background of other people's recordings. 

Episode 13: Design Without a Degree (ft. Aditya Peri)

In the first part of our conversation with Aditya Peri we talk about living in New York under quarantine, US vs UK education systems and transitioning to a career in design without going to art school. 
Follow Deech on Instagram - @drawingsbydeech and @deech_id
Visit Deech's Website - drawingsbydeech.com

Meet the Team
